Thursday, April 15, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Durraiz - Circles of Power Fan Art

Right, so having stayed home for almost 3 days now due to illness (our boss so lovingly sent us home and doesn't want us there until we are better) this has allowed me time to sit and actually work on art.

This project was started a month ago as a sketch for a piece of fan fiction I've been reading over the past few years. This work, found at this link here, chronicles the adventures of two young girls and many other characters who are original creations to Tolkiens world.  It's a little different, more dark, but also more developed in terms of having better, non-mary sue characters involved in the story.  It's hard to come by a lot of good Tolkien fan fiction out there, and this one I've really enjoyed reading thus far.

Anyway, this character is Durraiz, an orcess who administers punishment to the Rohirric women who dared to try and flee from their captor slavers.

Here is a detail since the original might be on the smallish side:


About the Artist

My photo
I'm a chick that just likes to draw. I try hard to be a decent artist, but hey, no one's perfect. This blog is just a repository of various ideas, sketches, drawings, or work in progress images that I've done. Why read this silly description? Just look at the art! ;)
